Holistic Healing Services

I offer a range of healing services to be experienced in the my treatment room in Milford on Sea, as well as remote healing sessions.

What is Energy Healing?

Reiki is an energy healing technique which was created in Japan hundreds of years ago. Reiki assists with unblocking the energy centres within the body (Chakras) as well as the patients auric field. This allows a better flow of energy through the body promoting self-healing. The practitioner is used as a channel to send energy healing to the patient through their hands. Hands can be placed upon the body (as well as hands off) to direct energy. Patients remain fully clothed throughout the session, whilst laying on a couch or sitting comfortably in a chair. During my energy healing sessions I am assisted by spirit, and also use essential oil based healing sprays and crystals. This provides a relaxing, gentle and comforting treatment. Patients can feel a variety of gentle sensations like heat or cold in an area during a session, nothing at all. Each treatment can also feel completely different! Your initial consultation is longer to allow time to discuss your medical history, including both physical or emotional issues. This information assists treatments and can explain findings within the patients auric field.


Remote Healing

Healing energy can be directed to a patient in any world-wide location. This is especially useful for patients who experience issues with mobility or live remotely. The appointment will be carried out via video call. The patient will be asked to make themselves comfortable and relaxed and then remote healing will commence. Healing doesn’t finish at the end of the session as the healing energies will continue for hours after.

Energy Healing, both in person or remotely can enhance outcomes from allopathic medicine and treatments.



In Person Energy Healing Appointments:

Initial consultations are allotted 90 minutes. Cost is £75

Follow up consultations are 60 minutes. Cost £60

With a card reading 90 minutes. Cost £80

Remote Healing

Initial Appointment 45 minutes. Cost £45

Follow up treatments are 35 minutes. Cost £35. 

Payment is required to secure any treatment booking. A cancellation notice of 48 hours is required to obtain a full refund. Appointments need to be made via emailing: newforestmystic@gmail.com